
The Niagara Swords Fencing Club (NIA) offers ongoing club programs in all three Olympic weapons (foil/epee and sabre). These our programs are structured to provide enjoyment and challenge to recreational and competitive athletes.

Depending on the age group, experience levels and needs we have practice hours Mondays through Friday during the evenings. All program members are expected to maintain a current Ontario Fencing Association and Canadian Fencing Federation fencing license (available online).

NIA Academy

The NIA Academy is geared towards youth, ages 9-17 starting with novice experience in the sport of fencing,  and wanting  to increase their competitive skills. In addition we use fencing as a means to impart the academic and life skills necessary for young students to develop well rounded physical and personal skills. We further challenge our athletes to compete at various levels to build confidence and expand their horizons.

Practice times: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6:30-8:30pm

Cost: $85/month

NIA Adult Fencing League

The NIA adult fencing league (18  yrs +) is open to anyone from the novice fencer to the master-at-arms. The program is devised to provide an opportunity to fence, train and compete at whatever level best suited.

Practices occur three days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6:30-8:30pm).

Cost: $85/month

2024-2025 Season Schedule

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